To view an S-Curve or generate a progress chart within Primavera or export reports to external software such as Excel, it is essential that every activity in the project is budgeted. Primavera does not provide progress percentages or charts based solely on activity durations.
Steps to Prepare Data for Reporting
If project activities have allocated resources or assigned budgets, generating graphical reports or S-Curves becomes straightforward. Otherwise, you must budget the activities. In many projects, weighted values are assigned to WBS levels or activities, and progress reports or S-Curves are typically based on these values. Below is the process for defining weighted values in Primavera activities and generating the required reports:
Step 1: Create a Resource
Create a resource named Weight, either as a Labor or Non-Labor resource, with a cost rate (Price/Unit) of 1 in Primavera.
Step 2: Assign the Resource
Assign this resource to all project activities, excluding milestones (as resources cannot be allocated to milestones).
Step 3: Enter Weighted Values
Input absolute weighted values into the Budgeted Labor Units or Budgeted Non-Labor Units column (depending on the resource type). Note that Primavera rounds numbers to two decimal places. If your calculated weighted values include thousandths, multiply them by a large number, such as 1,000 or 1,000,000, before entering them into the software.
At this stage, you can view the project’s S-Curve using the Resource Usage Profile or Activity Usage Profile views within Primavera.
Configuring Charts in the Usage Profile
To create a chart, click on the Usage Profile window and then select Option. In the dialog box that opens, enable the necessary options. For example, you can display data periodically (as a histogram) or cumulatively (as a line chart).
If you wish to display planned and actual progress simultaneously, use the Activity Usage Profile view and enable the following options:
Planned Value: Displays the planned curve based on baseline cost.
Earned Value: Displays the earned value or actual project progress.
Exporting S-Curve Data to Excel
If you prefer to create an S-Curve in Excel, use the Resource Usage Spreadsheet or Activity Usage Spreadsheet views. Right-click on the project name and select Copy. Paste the copied data into Excel to proceed with your chart generation.
Adjusting Time Intervals
Primavera P6 allows for generating charts or histograms over various time intervals or timescales. To adjust these intervals, configure the Timescale settings to your desired periods, such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or based on financial periods. Once configured, you can produce your desired reports.
By following these steps, you can efficiently generate S-Curves and progress reports within Primavera or export the required data to Excel for further analysis and presentation.